Water purification information

What are the bad habits of our daily drinking water?

Views : 61169
Update time : 2021-11-04 10:21:22
Bad habit 1: drinking not enough water every day
Working people often neglect to drink water due to work relations. If this happens, the bladder and kidneys will be damaged.
The "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents" recommends that adults who live under mild weather conditions and who are lightly physically active should drink at least 1,800 ml of water per day, which is about 8 cups. If you have a lot of activity and sweat a lot, increase the amount of water you drink and replenish it in time.
Some people may ask, before it was said that drinking no less than 2500 ml of water per day is 8 cups of water, why is there only 1800 ml now? In fact, 2500 milliliters refers to the total amount of water a person needs in a day. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, including vegetable soup, staple food, and meat. Part of the water needed by the human body comes from the diet.

8 cups is the minimum amount, some people need to drink more. For example, irritable people can drink more water to relieve their mood, and obese people can drink more water to maintain their weight, etc. They should also be hydrated in time after exercise and bathing.

Bad habit 2: not thirsty or drinking water
According to a domestic survey data, 70 adults only drink water when they are thirsty. As everyone knows, when you feel thirsty, your body has lost at least 1% of water.

Drinking water is not to quench thirst, but to let it participate in metabolism and be absorbed by the body. Long-term lack of water will increase the viscosity of blood and induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. At the same time, the less attention to drinking water, the lower the desire to drink water, and people will become more and more "arid."

Therefore, no matter whether you are thirsty or not, you must replenish water in time. When you go out, bring a bottle of water in your hand and take a sip at any time; put a cup of water in your office or at home, and drink whenever you have the opportunity.

Bad habit 3: Drinking water instead of water

"Boiled water has no taste, so drink a drink." Many children do not leave their hands with cola and fruity drinks every day, and substituting drinks for water is tantamount to spending money to buy health problems. "Not only does it fail to moisturize the body, it also reduces appetite and affects digestion and absorption." ouge said.
If you must drink flavorful water, you should also make appropriate improvements based on your physical fitness. for example:
People with constipation can drink some honey water or fruit and vegetable juice, which can promote intestinal peristalsis;
People with cold stomach should drink less cold green tea, herbal tea, fruit juice, and drink more stomach-warming black tea and ginger syrup.

Bad habit 4: do not drink water in the morning
The first glass of water in the morning is a life-saving water in the true sense, and middle-aged and elderly people should pay more attention to it.

After the human body undergoes metabolism overnight, all the trash in the body needs to be washed. Drinking a glass of water can reduce blood viscosity and increase circulating blood volume.

It is best to choose the following three for this glass of water in the morning:
The first is clear water, either warm boiled water or mineral water can reduce the viscosity of human blood;
The second is warm lemonade, citric acid can improve the appetite in the morning;
The third type is warm dilute salt water, which is very beneficial for people with constipation.

Bad Habit 5: Do not drink water before going to bed at night

When a person is asleep, the water in the blood decreases due to the loss of water in the body, and the blood viscosity becomes higher.
Drinking some water before going to bed can reduce blood viscosity and reduce the risk of cerebral thrombosis.

In addition, in the dry autumn and winter seasons, water can help the human body to moisturize the respiratory tract and promote people to fall asleep better; therefore, it is good for the body to drink more water when there is nothing to do.

Bad habit 6: eat salty food without replenishing water

Eating too salty can lead to high blood pressure, and can also lead to reduced saliva secretion and oral mucosal edema.

If you eat salty, the first thing to do is to drink plenty of water, preferably pure water and lemonade, try not to drink sugary drinks and yogurt, because excessive sugar will also increase the feeling of thirst.

Light soy milk is also a good choice. More than 90% of it is water, and it also contains more potassium, which can promote the excretion of sodium, and the taste is relatively sweet.

Bad Habit 7: Drink the tap water when it is boiled

It is a good habit for Chinese people to drink boiled water, but did you know? Do not drink the water as soon as it is boiled. Because our tap water is chlorinated and disinfected, the chlorine combines with the residual organic matter in the water to produce halogenated hydrocarbons, chloroform and other carcinogenic compounds.

Jiang Weiwei, a professor at the School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, suggested that when boiling water, you might as well take three steps:

First, take the tap water out and let it stand for a while before boiling; when the water is about to boil, open the lid of the pot; finally, wait 3 minutes after the water is boiled and then turn off the fire, so that the chlorine content in the water can be reduced to a safe drinking standard, which is true "boiling water".
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