Water purification information

How can drinking water be purified?

Views : 77676
Update time : 2021-09-17 12:03:09
Since the beginning of the 21st century, the problem of water pollution has become more and more serious. Smart humans will naturally find ways to purify water, but how purification is considered good purification? Faced with this problem, it is natural to purify it from the perspective of benefiting the human body. Let’s discuss it below.

Weak alkalinization
Release negative ions, make water weakly alkaline, promote human blood circulation, improve digestion and absorption and other metabolic capabilities, improve body microcirculation, and delay cell aging.
It releases a large amount of negative negative ions, and the water has the characteristics of good activity and high salinity, and it is easy to be absorbed by people.
It removes calcium and magnesium ions in the water, reduces the water hardness, has a very obvious taste and feel, and has low hardness. It can effectively prevent stone disease, reduce the burden on the heart and kidneys, and is good for health.
Contains minerals and trace elements required by the human body to meet the needs of human growth and metabolism.
Through a series of filter materials, the arrangement of water molecules is redistributed to form a purified water component that is beneficial to the human body to absorb. Its water quality is close to the body's cellular water and has health care functions. Of course, it is only a small part of the effect.

Small molecule
The water molecule cluster becomes smaller, it is easy to penetrate the cell membrane, increase cell activity, and increase human immunity.

Rich oxidation
Increase the oxygen content in the water, which is easily absorbed by the human body, which is conducive to contact fatigue.

Change the molecular structure, the water molecule penetration, dissolving power and other physiological functions are enhanced. Speed ​​up the body's absorption and promote metabolism.

Facing the problem of water pollution, I believe that many people are intolerable, so the purification of harmful substances in the water has naturally become our choice. The above are the directions for purifying water. I recommend Aicksn for the water purifier brand. I hope everyone can drink it cleanly. Healthy water.
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